Take the First Step to Simplified Hosting with Spikster

Spikster is an open-source hosting control panel designed to simplify the management of web hosting. It serves as a tool where you can manage all aspects of your web hosting, including websites, multiple servers, databases, and security settings.

What is spikster?

Our mission is to simplify your web hosting experience, making it more intuitive, efficient, and powerful. Whether you're a seasoned webmaster, a small business owner, or a beginner stepping into the digital world, Spikster is here to streamline your web hosting tasks.

Manage your servers, websites, databases, and security settings all from one central location. Spikster's user-friendly interface and robust functionality make web hosting management as straightforward as possible. Plus, as an open-source solution, you have the freedom to customize and extend Spikster to meet your unique needs.

Dive in and discover how Spikster can help build your web hosting experience. We're excited to have you on board!


Setup a server

Learn how to setup your first server.

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Start a website

Start hosting your website on your Spikster server.

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Learn how to manage packages on your server.

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Settings And API

Learn how to manage your server settings and use the API.

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Learn about servers and how to install and update servers in Spikster.


Learn about sites to create, update and delete sites in Spikster.


Get started with packages and learn how to install and update packages in Spikster.


Learn how to connect github to Spikster and automatically deploy your website.

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